
The Final Countdown

My VCAP-DCA exam is only a week away.

Have been spending my time going over some of the products I am less familiar with – vShield Zones, vCenter Heartbeat, and vOrchestrator.

Spending a lot of time with the vicfg-* and esxcli commands. The last time I built the lab I did “most” of my network and storage configurations from the vMA.

Have to do a quick review of the basics and give the blueprint another good once (or twice) over.

Think I am pretty good on the storage, network, DRS, logging, HA, and troubleshooting each of those areas. Need to go over the VUM stuff again, specifically vmware-umds. Got to look a bit further in to MSCS clustering. Know enough to be pretty dangerous with Fault Tolerance, vCenter Heartbeat, and vOrchestrator – will give these all another run through as time permits.

I have to get a little more time with vShield Zones, this is the product I have the least amount of experience with.

Going to be a busy week…

If anyone out there has any tips on preparing for the VCAP-DCA, it is probably a little late in the game to help much, but I would like to hear them.

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