iPad AppsVMware

VMware PowerCLI 5 Reference iPad/iPhone App

The more I use PowerCLI the more uses I find for it. Searching out configurations, setting options, migrating VMs, powering down VMs, deploying new VMs, and a long list of other handy things that can be accomplished with a single easy to write line of PowerCLI code. My copy of the VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration book gets a pretty regular workout but I don’t always have it with me.

I downloaded this free iPad/iPhone/iPod VMware PowerCLI 5.0 Reference app in the itunes store – vPowerCLI5 Reference App that was developed by theHyperAdvisor.com. The app provides an easy to use and searchable PowerCLI cmdlet reference on my iPhone.

App description: “This tool is to be used for referencing the VMware vSphere PowerCLI cmdlets. vSphere PowerCLI is a command-line and scripting tool built on Windows PowerShell, and is used for managing and automating vSphere.

Not really digging the yellow background and blue/green text. Would be nice if there was a way to change that. Other than that a great free app. Get it here. The app is also available for the Andriod in the Andriod Market.

Browse the list or search through available the cmdlets.

Click on a cmdlet to view the details from the vSphere PowerCLI Reference.

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