
vCoffee Links Issue #3 – Wednesday 5/7/2014

This past weekend I was planning to knockout another video in my AutoLab series, but the weather was too nice and I ended up spending a little time on the bike with my wife. We checked out the Glass Studio at the Chrysler Museum. Pretty neat place, worth a making a stop in if you are in the area with some time to kill.

I will get caught up on the AutoLab videos in a day or so, for now grab a cup of coffee and check out the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

VCDX Submission by the Numbers is a fantastic post by @Craig_Kilbron on his VCDX preparation efforts. If you are interesting to pursue the VCDX certification then this is a must read. Craig has provided some nice insight into the level of effort required to prepare his documentation for the VCDX submission.

Interested in using MCS with XenDesktop 7.x in a VMware environment using VSAN? This article digs down in the details of the configuration and shows that the configuration “just works” 🙂 Includes some great videos on setting up the VSAN in vSphere and creating the Desktop Groups in XenDesktop. Looking forward to messing with this in my home lab.

Over the weekend @nfritsch posted an article on the new EMC VNXe3200 – The VNXe Meets Fibre Channel. Nice overview of the features of the newest model in the VNXe line. Good read. Nick also added a post about an erasable notebook, the Wipebook, that looks really neat – probably going to have to pick one up.

Forgot your ESXi root password – uh-oh! This article walks through how to reset the root password on an ESXi 5.5 host. Take note that the only supported method to recovering/resetting the password is a re-install of ESXi, but if you are in a pinch this method could prove helpful and is probably worth a shot.

Thinking about virtualizing Oracle? Check out this best practices whitepaper on virtualizing Oracle on EMC and VMware solutions.

John Troyer (@jtroyer) announced that he is leaving VMware to start a new vendor neutral community – I have not really had an opportunity to talk to John in person (a tweet here and there), but I have seen him at a few events. He deserves a very large THANK YOU for all the work he has done building a great VMware community. I look forward to hearing/learning more about his project, I am betting it will be AWESOME!

EMC World 2014 is going on this week. Kind of wish I was there (I WILL BE AT VMWORLD THIS YEAR!!! Already made my hotel reservations). If you are at EMC World have fun and be sure to fill out your vendor party surveys:
If, like me, you are not at EMC World you can keep up with what is going on with the hashtag #EMCWORLD and there are also live streams of some of the events here. Looks like a great time. Have fun, learn much.

VMworld 2014 Registration is open! Register early to take advantage of the early bird discount. See you there!!! VMworld 2014 public session voting is also going on now.

@CormacJHogan has a great post on Nimble Storage Revisited a Chat with Wen Yu. Nice overview (with a few deeper dives) of the Nimble Storage array, the features, and the capabilities. ABS just recently became a Nimble Partner. I have been through the training and have had some time with a demo unit. Really impressed with the performance and simplicity. Have my first customer deployment happening soon, looking forward to that for sure.

Citrix Synergy 2014 is also happening this week. Lot of cool announcements coming from there also (the new Citrix Receiver X1 looks HOT! Did I see mention of using an Apple TV as a thin client!). Follow all the happenings with the hashtag #CitrixSynergy. There are also live streams of the keynotes and other events that can be found here.

I am still looking for advertisers here on It is a really inexpensive way to have your product/service seen by 10s of 100s of people interested in virtualization each month. You can save 50% on the first month using the code FIRST5 now until the end of May. Need a little more information about, check here. OK, so now, who wants to be first?

Enjoy your coffee. Have a great morning and a fantastic week.

Have anything interesting to add? Post a comment below or hit me up on twitter @herseyc.

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