
vCoffee Links Issue #5 – Memorial Day 2014

Hopefully you are enjoying your coffee on a day off. Please remember to take a minute to offer a prayer or thought in remembrance of those who made ultimate sacrifice defending our freedoms. They are not forgotten.

To my brothers(and sisters)-in-arms who have served or are currently serving, THANK YOU! You are appreciated.

On to the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

Are you working on a Citrix Certification? Check out the new Citrix Practice Exams. These practice exams are a good representation of the actual exams. Great study resource when preparing for Citrix Certifications.

The vSphere 5.5 Update 1 Hardening Guide beta was released. You can still submit feedback but expect the GA release soon.

Are you nervous about giving presentations? Check out this post on Presentation Skills We Learned from Mom. If you are looking to develop your public speaking skills you should also check out Toastmasters.

VMware released the vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery product a few weeks ago. Here is a fantastic post on Failing Over a Public Web Server to vCloud Hybrid Service Disaster Recovery.

I have been awarded the vExpert status for the past 3 years (2012-2014) and I think it is a great program (not to mention it has some great benefits – swag, NFR licenses, etc). Here is a great post on Why VMware’s vExpert Program is Worth Applying For. The vExpert program can now be applied to quarterly. Get out there, participate in the community, and become a vExpert!

Check out this Cisco UCS Poster. It is a little older but provides a nice overview of all Cisco UCS hardware both rack and blade, including the connectivity components and options. The poster is a PDF but you can also order a hard copy of a more up to date poster for just a few bucks.

Potential memory leak bug in Citrix Studio with XenDesktop 7.5. Don’t leave Citrix Studio open when not in use or it may consume all available memory.

Short list of links today. Going to get out and enjoy some time with family and friends. Hope you can do the same.

All gave some, some gave all. Never forget.

Enjoy your coffee and the day.

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