
vCoffee Links #6 – Friday 6/13/2014

Happy Friday the 13th. Not only is it Friday the 13th, the Moon is also full tonight. That might explain a few issues in the home lab (That or I just fat fingered something somewhere – still going to blame it on the Moon and the date).

Some time has passed since my last vCoffee Links post. I have been traveling a bit for work lately and working on a lot of mostly interesting projects. So it has been a busy but good couple of weeks (with still more to come). When I have not been working I have been enjoying my down time. Not really trying to make excuses, but…

I have also not recorded any new AutoLab videos lately. There is one in the works on deploying the vMA in the AutoLab environment. Look for a new video in my AutoLab series this weekend.

Anyway go grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

Have you been getting @jtroyer‘s TechReckoning emails. No? Maybe you overlooked subscribing?! So go over to, enter your email address, and wait for the goodness to hit your mailbox. Seriously some really great stuff from John over the last few weeks, go subscribe.

VMworld 2014 will be here before we know it. Though it seems like it is still a long way off. Registered and all my reservations are made. Will be in San Francisco for VMworld from August 23 to August 29. Hope to see you there. Really looking forward to meeting up with the #vCoffee folks in real life.

Nice write up by @chriswahl on the new @NimbleStorage Adaptive Flash platform that was launched this week. Check it out here: Nimble Storage’s New CS700 Adaptive Flash Array Gets Moar Power. I just installed a Nimble array for a customer. Very nice array – easy to set up, very easy to manage, and it screams. Looking forward to more from @NimbleStorage.

Check out @VirtualisedReal‘s “doodle” on the new Nimble Adaptive Flash launch: You see more of his great “doodles” on his blog

Here is a wrap-up, with a ton of information, from Nimble on the new Adaptive Flash platform launch.

If you are on Twitter you probably saw this (or may have even be affected by it it you use TweetDeck) TweetDeck Vulnerability Lets Attackers Execute Code Remotely. Apparently the exploit has been fixed now. Still wince a little every time I open my TweetDeck tab in Chrome.

You may remember a few weeks ago there was an announcement of bug that causes a potential APD condition when using NFS on vSphere 5.5 Update 1. Well a patch has been released and you can find it here at VMware KB 2077361.

Nice article by @vCenterGuy on making a choice between deploying the vCenter Server Virtual Appliance or deploying vCenter Server on Windows. Which vCenter platform should I use – Appliance or Windows?

The last few weeks I have been doing a bit of XenDesktop work. The Citrix KB is actually really good with a lot of helpful information/fixes/tweaks. These are just a few of the Citrix KB articles that I found to be useful:

The Hyperconverged Hamburger – GREAT READ!!! “We’ve got to stop thinking about virtualization as a collection of things. Rather, it, itself, is the thing.” Read more here…

Did you see this from @sakaccSummer Gift Part 2 – 10 VNXe arrays free to play with for volunteers! Of course, I sent an email, have my fingers crossed, and am just waiting to hopefully hear good news :). Would be great to get one of these VNXe 3200s to mess around with. I still think the VNXe is one of the best (if not the best) storage array solutions for small environments – easy to deploy, simple management, decent performance, and a nice set of features for the price.

This licensing brief on Licensing Windows Server 2012 for use with virtualization technologies from Microsoft found in the VMware Communities also came in handy recently. Here it is on Microsoft’s site Licensing Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 for Use with Virtualization Technologies where it is more up to date. If you are looking for some information on licensing Windows in a virtual environment this should help.

Need Visio Stencils? @teovmy has put together (and recently updated) a nice index of Visio stencils for VMware, Microsoft, Veeam, EMC, Cisco, Nimble, Nutanix, Dell, and more right over here.

Enjoy your coffee. Have a great morning and a great rest of the week (It’s FRIDAY!!!) and the weekend.

Have anything interesting to add? Post a comment below or hit me up on twitter @herseyc.

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