
VNXe 3200 – It’s Here!

You may remember a short time ago @sakacc announced his Summer Gift Part 2 – 10 VNXe arrays free to play with for volunteers! I quickly sent an email and a week or so later I was notified that I had been selected to receive one of the new VNXe 3200s!!! A big thanks to @sakacc and EMC for putting together this great opportunity.

Last Friday the VNXe 3200 was waiting for me on my doorstep when I arrived home from work 🙂

Saturday morning I got it set up in my lab, downloaded the EMC VNXe Connection Utility, and configured a static management address.

The VNXe 3200 I received has two SPs, six 600 GB 15K SAS drives, and five 100 GB EFDs.


Went through the basic setup of DNS and NTP. That is all for now, there is an issue with the licensing but EMC is working through that and it should be squared away soon. Looking forward to messing with it, especially the FAST Suite.

If there is anything specific you would like to see or if you have any questions or thoughts on labs to help demonstrate the abilities of the VNXe 3200 drop me a comment or hit me up @herseyc.

One thought on “VNXe 3200 – It’s Here!

  • Mark

    Hi Jersey,

    what problems did you have with the licensing? The setup procedure asks for an EMC account to get the licenses and I don´t know how to proceed.



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