
vCoffee Links #9 – VMworld 2014 Countdown – 8/20/2014

Just a few more days till I am off to SFO for VMworld 2014!

This will be my first VMworld and I am really excited about attending. Looking forward to meeting up with a bunch of folks that I really only know by their twitter handle (especially the #vCoffee folks). Also looking forward to the sessions. My session agenda is packed and includes NSX, DR/BC, Storage, and a bunch of other VMware goodness. I am also really looking forward to attending the #vBrownBag Tech Talks in the hang space.


I arrive in SFO mid-afternoon on Saturday. If you are going to be around to chat, grab a cup of coffee, or maybe get dinner hit me up on twitter @herseyc. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

In the past I have attended VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) and I expect VMworld will be similar just on a much larger scale. If it is even remotely similar to PEX it will be a week of knowledge, good times, great people, and very little sleep.

I am planning (going to try to stick to the plan) a VMworld day in review post every evening during the conference, so be sure to stop by and check it out.

Now go grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

Before we get to all the VMworld links a big congrats out to all the new VCDX-NVs! @TheJasonNash posted a great write up Double VCDX and the New VCDX-NV and so did @ChrisWahl Double VCDX (DCV & NV) – What Does It All Mean? Congrats to Jason, Chris, and everyone else who successfully obtained the VCDX-NV

Speaking of VCDX. VMware Education and Certification has released several new programs and opportunities to help folks working towards the VCDX certification. Check out the Infrastructure Architect and VCDX Candidate Enablement post. A VCDX Boot Camp is being held before VMworld but it looks like registration is already full.

Now on to some VMworld stuff…

Here is the official VMworld 2014 US Agenda/Schedule.

Check out the VMware 2014 Mobile App for iOS and Android. Pretty cool that the app is hosted on vCHS.

If you are not able to make it to VMworld you can watch the Keynotes live at VMware Now.

The #vBrownBag Tech Talks at VMworld. Last year I watched many of them on the live stream, looking forward to being there to see them in real life 🙂 The #vBrownBag Tech Talk schedule is posted here.

Looking to keep up with what is going on at VMworld on Social Media. Check out the VMworld Social Media page here for a list of hashtags and such to follow during the event. Here is a nice list of gatherings, tweetups, parties, and other activities.

theCUBE will be covering VMworld 2014. Looks like they have a lot of good content planned/scheduled over the course of the conference. I really enjoyed watching their interviews and coverage last year.

EMC is promising some FACE MELTING demos during VMworld 🙂 Check out EMC Everything VMware site for more info on EMC at VMworld 2014.

Nutanix also have a bunch of great stuff planned for VMworld. Check out Making Web-Scale Waves at VMworld 2014.

Of course there are a ton of other sponsors and exhibitors at VMworld, the full list can be found here.

Will definitely be catching up with some of the Nimble Storage folks at VMworld to see what all they have going on.

And of course a few VMworld parties and events that I am looking forward to attending…
VMworld Community Kick-off
vBreakfast – The Trifecta
EMC’s Annual v0dgeball Charity Tournament 2014
vFlip Cup 2014
vBacon 2014
vStogies 2014
and many more….

Then there are the VMworld Hands-on Labs. I am hoping to work the Hybrid Cloud and Disaster Recovery to Cloud Expert-Led Workshops into my schedule.

The Zerto 2014 Social Events Map looks like it may come in pretty handy. I may even print it out.

PureStorage EVOLVE is a half-day conference on Thursday, August 28, 2014 just after VMworld. If you are still in the area it may be worth checking out.

To switch gears from VMworld a little, here is a great tip from @Mandivs that showed up in my twitter feed while putting this post together:
(Get-History).CommandLine | clip
It copies all #commands from your cmd history to the clipboard and u can paste in editor & save to file.

Here is another great PowerCLI tip for starting and stopping the SSH service on multiple ESXi hosts. That will come in handy for sure.

I have been messing around with the EMC VNXe3200 I have in my lab the last couple days. Nice little array. I will be putting some post together about it after VMworld.

That is it for now. Enjoy your coffee and have a great rest of the week. Hope to see you at VMworld!

Have anything interesting to add? Post a comment below or hit me up on twitter @herseyc.

What are you looking forward to at VMworld? Let me know if the comments…

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