
280 Character Daily Journal

Some time ago I use to keep a somewhat daily journal. I used old school composition notebooks for this. I have a stack of them full of notes and scribbles. Was more a form of therapy than wanting to actually keep a record. Nothing organized, just periodic ramblings, some work stuff, etc. For some reason I stopped, not sure why.

I was searching around for an online private journal and ran across 280daily. For the past month I have been jotting down a daily note. The notes are accessible from anywhere, private, searchable, and limited to 280 characters a day. Notes are also exportable, to PDF, to CSV, and even to a printed book (for a cost).

280daily sends you a daily email (if you want) to remind you when it is time to make an entry.

Neat little free service. 280daily is worth a check if you are looking for a quick easy way to keep a simple journal.

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