
vCoffee Links #13 – Lots of good vStuff!!!

Weather has been crappy and work has been busy. I am so ready for spring. Hope everyone has been staying warm and safe. You would think I would have more time to blog, but… busy, busy, busy (which is a good thing).

There is no kill switch on AWESOME! Truth 🙂

Top vBlog 2015 Voting is well under way. Be sure to stop by and vote for your favorite virtualization blogs and podcasts. Hopefully you will be kind enough to add to your ballot. I would appreciate it for sure. Hoping to break the top 100 this year but there are a lot of great blogs on there. Will be happy with just a vote or two. is looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of hosting and such. Currently averages about 220 visitors a day during the week and around 100 per day on the weekends. These visitors come from all over the world (but mostly the US). If you are interested click any of the advertise here links at the top of all posts or go right here for more details.

Anyway on to the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

Decided not to include any vSphere 6.0 stuff in this vCoffee links. There is a ton of great stuff out there but going to wait for GA to see what actually makes it in the final. Especially since there has been a bit of confusion on what will and what will not be in the release.

Great introduction and how to for the Get-View PowerCLI Cmdlet. Lot of very useful info can be gathered using Get-View.

Check out the the vBrownBag Art of IT Infrastructure Design recording. Great stuff from @vcdx001, @MarkGabbs, and @hcmccain. Great @vBrownBag, really looking forward to the release of the book.

Awesome new VMware Fling to migrate from a Windows vCenter Server to a vCenter Server Virtual Appliance. Working on getting the home lab set up so I can give this a try.

The next Hampton Roads VMUG meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 13, 2015 from 6 PM to 8 PM at Gameworks in Chesapeake. Keep watch here for more details coming soon.

I recently picked up a Wipebook and will be writing a review of it once I get to put it to real world use (just been doodling in it so far). @nfritsch did a review of his which can be found here – The Erasable Notebook.

Check out this cool Docker container for VMware Utilities from @lamw. The post walks through what is included and how to get it up and running. Very handy indeed.

There was a lot of discussion around Twitter a couple weeks ago about the new VCDX Directory and mentoring. There was a pretty much an uproar over the fact that VCDX panelist are not able to be mentors. Hey there are a lot of us out here that are more than willing to help, but it is up to the VCDX candidate to drive this. I am extremely thankful for those that helped me along the way, but at the end of the day creating a design and successfully defending the design rest solely on the abilities of the VCDX candidate. @ccolotti wrote a fantastic article Achieving Your VCDX is not a Team Sport in response.

BTW the new VCDX Directory is pretty awesome. If you have not had a chance to stop by and check it out, you should. Great work @ccolotti and team.

Awesome post by @Emad_Younis on Alternatives to Home Lab Learning.

In case you missed it there is a 2 hour VCDX Online Workshop happening on Friday, March 13, 2015 7:00 am Pacific Daylight Time. If you are preparing to defend for you VCDX, these workshops are definitely worth checking out. These workshops provide a lot of good insight into what to expect during the defense.

The vCloud and Desktop VCAPs have been retired. Pretty much effective immediately. VMware has made some changes to the pre-reqs for VCDX-Cloud and VCDX-DT, at least until what ever advance level exams (VCIX) will replace the VCAPs.

VMware App Volumes is pretty slick and very easy to deploy. @jaslanger has a great series of articles covering App Volumes on his blog (with more to come soon, or so he tells me). Very cool stuff and a great way to simplify your master images by layer App Stacks on them. Looking forward to his posts on creating Writable Volumes.

If you have ever run a VUM scan on your host and received the message that a reboot is needed @vcdxnz001 explains why in one his post The Need to Reboot ESXi Hosts after vCenter Upgrade. The post includes a link to How to find VMware ESX(i) servers that need a reboot using PowerCLI using the Get-View CmdLet (where have I seen that before).

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day. Tomorrow’s FRIDAY! Think I’ll celebrate with another cup of coffee.

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