
Foundation in the Art of Infrastructure Design On the Way!

I have been looking forward to this book, It Architect: Foundation in the Art of Infrastructure Design: A Practical Guide for It Architects, being released ever since I got a peak at the draft at VMworld last year. Ordered a copy yesterday and thanks to Amazon Prime I should have it Thursday!!!

The books authors, John Arrasjid VCDX001 (@vcdx001), Mark Gabryjelski VCDX023 (@MarkGabbs), and Chris McCain VCDX017 (@hcmccain), are all rockstars in the VMware Community – great people always willing to share their knowledge. Based on what I saw back in August, this book will likely become the go to resource for folks preparing for the VMware advanced design exams or working to successfully prepare and defend a VCDX design.

Looking forward to reading It Architect: Foundation in the Art of Infrastructure Design: A Practical Guide for It Architects and a review will follow.

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