VSAN Cluster Shutdown/Startup
Last day of VSAN Training. Learning about some day 2 operations stuff this morning. Went through the high level overview of the process for properly powering down, and powering back up, a VSAN cluster. I am sure I am going to have a customer ask me about this eventually so just putting it here so I remember it.
The Shutting Down and Restarting a VSAN Cluster process is pretty well spelled out in the VMware docs.
Powering Down a VSAN Cluster
- Power down all VMs on the Cluster
- Place all cluster hosts in Maintenance Mode – select “no data migration”, deselect “move powered off vms”
- Power Down All hosts in the cluster
Bringing the VSAN Cluster back up is pretty much the same process in reverse. One thing to note, unlike with traditional 3-tier, you need to bring all hosts back up together.
Powering on a VSAN Cluster
- Power on all hosts in the cluster
- Exit all hosts from maintenance mode
- Power on VMs
Again someone will probably need to do this and will ask me about this at some time. I forget as much as I remember, so it will be here for me, and maybe for you, to find it again.